If it is all or nothing –
our GLOBAL On Board Couriers will not do things by halves

As your just-in-time troubleshooter, we concentrate on the four most important areas of emergency logistics:

On Board Courier (OBC)

absolutely the fastest and safest way to transport merchandise. Whether it is production bottle necks or spare part delivery, we guarantee 100 % performance.

Confidential transport of documents

Everything may depend on important conference papers, contracts, quotations and original documents. Our trustworthy GLOBAL On Board Couriers are reliable escorts of your shipment. They will pick up, transport and deliver personally everything that is important to you. Business papers and the trust of your partners in your integrity will be preserved.

Air Charter

Standstill in production due to missing spare parts or unreliable delivery may quickly cost you millions. We keep to your deadlines using helicopter transportation from site to site or container shipment per cargo jet in close cooperation with leading airlines.

Aircraft On Ground (AOG)

Not only volcanic outbursts are able to keep airplanes ready to take off on ground. There are thousands of other, technical reasons, which may lead to an emergency in logistics. Often it is only an important missing spare part that is urgently needed to ensure a smooth flight. Delays, change of flight schedules and dissatisfied passengers encumber the reputation and the quarterly balance sheet. Our GLOBAL On Board Couriers will always do their utmost to avert damage to your company as quickly as possible.

Shipping Order Global On Board Courier

24 hours 365 days

+49 (0)6150/18 18-618

Global On Board Courier
GmbH & Co. KG
Georgenstrae 38
D-64331 Weiterstadt

Telefax: +49 (0)6150-18 18 629

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